Making Your Mark with Creative Company Names

When starting a company, you have to think about being a mother. Your business is your baby and you can hardly influence the development of your child by selecting a random name. Just know that the name you choose will influence the outcome of your business. The image and identity of your company is linked to the name it carries. Creative company names are crucial if you want your business to have a chance to grow and succeed. Names represent culture, style, and service. If you want people to know who you are, then give them a name that immediately tells them what you are capable of.

The most common company naming trap is creating something that is so generic and forgettable. After all, who will remember a name like International Marketing Corporations or Computers Inc.? No one! As accurate and descriptive as those names sound, people would not have even the vaguest idea on what you can do. No one wants to seek the services of a company who couldn’t even find the time to come up with a proper name.

Without help and proper guidance, you will end up tossing names around until you run out of options. Without the right attitude and a hint of “oomph,” good names will seem detached and ludicrous. Just think about Apple Computers. Who ever thought about attaching the name of a fruit to a piece of technology? As ridiculous as this name may sound, people all over the world now know of it.

Yes, you can incorporate a description to your name, but you have to be careful or your name may just become too homogenized. The last thing you want to do is blend right into the rest of the industry. Try not to sound too much like a business description. What you need is a brand name that communicates a lot of positive aspects. An apple is fresh and healthy, hence, perfect for what they had to offer during that time.

Creative company names are just so much more memorable and effective. Many businesses make this mistake because society dictates that you need to be like others. Veering away from the path can be scary, but this is a must. To succeed, you need to stand out and become distinctive. You may have to explain the origin of your name, but this may be the factor that puts you in the spotlight.

Customers should have a vivid mental picture of what you are so that your name sticks to their memory. The question now is, are unique and memorable names the only way to go? Not necessarily. You just need to know that your company name evokes a certain reaction. Once potential customers notice your company, the rest is up to you. At least your name pushed you further ahead of the game and you are a step closer to success.

The leading creative company name generator is Fresh Bread Creative.  Visit them today at